Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles

The Shreiber School of Veterinary Medicine

The Shreiber School of Veterinary Medicine is committed to mentorship, advocacy, accessibility and the well-being of all people and animals in all facets of the veterinary medical profession, including education, research, and clinical practice. To this end, we are committed to fostering access to veterinary education for all learners. The Shreiber School of Veterinary Medicine recognizes the value of our differences, and these qualities strengthen both our institution and our individual perspectives.

We Aim To

Provide access and affordability to all learners;

Attract and retain a community of faculty, researchers, clinicians, and professional staff that is respectful of multiple perspectives and lived experiences;

Promote excellence and innovation in veterinary curricula and outcomes assessments that produces veterinarians prepared to serve society now and in the future;

Educate veterinary professionals to meet the evolving needs of the clients we serve and the animals in their care.